Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Straight to the looney bin

*WARNING -- WARNING -- WARNING ... foul language included in this thread. If you would be offended by foul language, please do not continue reading.*

Fred Phelps and his followers (er family) at the Westboro Baptist Church (uh ... wouldn't that be blasphemous to call his messages of hate as part of a BAPTIST CHURCH?) should check themselves in to the nearest looney bin, because they're just so fucking insane.

I'm continually checking out the group's Web site,, because I want to know if these assholes plan to picket the service for Guymon hero Joshua Pearce, who was killed Sunday in Iraq (see next story on this blog). This afternoon, the idiots from my fair home state's capital are heading across to Jeff City, Mo., to picket the Missouri Legislature's ruling to ban these fartknockers from picketing at such places as ... oh, a hero's funeral.

And other states hope to inact the same law so that these soldiers can rest in peace and that their families can be at peace as the grieve and say goodbye.

These fuckheads plan to picket the Pennsylvania Legislature tomorrow for the same reason. Oklahoma lawmakers hope to fasttrack a similar bill as to make their pickets in the Sooner State illegal by week's end. Get ready, OKC. Idiots are awaiting on the horizon to promote hatred ... IN GOD'S NAME!

Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, I've known these dilrods have been doing this, and it's pissed me off for some time. City officials in Guymon are sincerely hoping the state comes through before Pearce's memorial service so the city can be a terrific host to Phelps and his blowhard offspring in the Texas County Jail.

Phelps' hate-mongers plan to be in Dodge City this weekend for the funeral of another soldier, Specialist Jessie Davila, who was killed by an explosive device in Iraq. On the hate-filled Web site, the Phelps' fanatics report that Davila was "killed by an IED straight from the hand of the Lord his God. God, who alone holds the power of life and death, and is the creator of ALL things, including the IED has become the enemy of America. He is punishing this nation and one of his weapons of choice is the IED. Every soldier that comes home in a body bag would fall into the class of people that God has executed judgment upon and sent straight to hell."

You see, Phelps and his flunkees have tried rather unsuccessfully to spread their wealth of hate, primarily against homosexuality, for decades. Because the success rate is so low and because the Westboro Baptist Church has a congregation made up primarily of those with Phelps genes or (moronically) married to Phelps genes, the group has expounded its hate-monging to American soldiers who have died serving their country.

Phelps and his cronies of hate stand for everything they supposedly preach against. They continually write that those not living the lives as the Bible identifies will go straight to hell by the hand of God, yet their hate is leading them on a very similar path. The Lord God shall strike his vengence against them, and Josh Pearce and Jessie Davila will view their burning from a perch in Heaven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indiana has passed this legislation during the current session and it hasn't stopped these hatemongers from showing up at funerals. Sadly, they aren't being arrested and carted away like folks would hope -- but it keeps them away a safe distance instead of disrupting the service.

I'm sad to see this hitting Guymon, and I'm saddened to hear about Pearce -- but here's hoping the legislature comes through and Guymon's finest are standing by.

Wed Mar 01, 01:05:00 PM  
Blogger Trixie said...

There's a lot of irony in this. First, of course we want Phelps and his tribe to shut the *@#$ up and show respect to the families by just staying away.

But how ironic that our U.S. heroes died serving our country, which so enjoys the idea of free speech.

UGH. May God soften the hearts of these hate-mongers and turn their spirits around.

Wed Mar 01, 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a test of our culture that would turn Solomon's head bald.
These warriors of ours who have given their lives were sworn to uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution of the U.S.. Now some corruption that walks like a human wants to denigrate, insult, and promote their own cause and profit at the very funerals and burials ment to honor these fallen warriors.
So do we denie these idiots their first amendment rights just because they are dumb f...s, or do we honor the sacrifice these men have made to protect and defend the constitution under which the dumb f...s are doing this? Now if they showed up at a funeral for one of my own children I might simply kill or have one my cousins kill the mother f.....s. Now that's a human response, but it is not the best public policy or societal behavior.
The death of these soldiers, and countless others is what has given this group the protection to do what they do. So I say we should honor our fallen heros by upholding the constitutional right to free speech. Then I say, I'll start the collection plate to gather bail money for the fellow who dumps a bucket of piss on them when they do their thingo. Perhaps not quite Solomnaic, but satifying.

Mon Mar 06, 08:46:00 AM  

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