Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A sad tale

It's a very sad night for me and many friends of Shane Drury, a bull rider who is losing his fight against cancer.


I was fortunate enough to tell his story a few years ago, back when it was the heroic fight to return from cancer to again ride rank bucking bulls. If I can locate it, I'll post it.

But I ask this of you, my friends: Could you please say a special prayer for my friend, Shane, and his family? He's 26 years old and has been battling cancer on and off for almost five years now. As he prepares for his next journey, he, his friends and family could use all the prayers they can get.


Blogger Trixie said...

Adding my prayers to yours. It's hard to lose a friend.

Wed Dec 14, 06:45:00 AM  
Blogger Erudite Redneck said...

Redneck prayers aloft, for Shane, his family and yourself.

Thu Dec 15, 07:36:00 PM  

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